Testing Services

Precision Parts Measurements
We can provide pin-point precision measurements of parts that cannot be accurately measured with contact based measurement equipment. Our measurement services can be used on complex shape stamping, gears, cams, threads and comparing contour model. This service is widely demanded by machinery manufacturing including aviation, aerospace, watches and clocks, electronics, instrumentation, research institutes and detection metering stations at all levels, and more. In the manufacturing process, to ensure the highest quality, it is crucial to test each and every material before applying it. Some examples of applications of our measurement services are:
i) to inspect shapes and sizes of parts that are uneven, easily deformed, or too small,
ii) to inspect surface deformities like minute scratches or dents that cannot be detected by naked eyes,
iii) to inspect minute flaws in glassware that may decrease the mechanical stress load and increase brittleness,
iv) to inspect irregular shapes and sizes.
Positive Material Indentification (PMI)
XRF Alloy Analysis is essential for ensuring safety where is matters most, whether in a hip implant or oil refinery piping. Regardless of the important role you serve — from inspectors, managers, safety professionals, and more — you have the unique responsibility to reduce risk and meet regulatory requirements. Our XRF Alloy Analysis services compliment your existing professionalism, such as API RP 571 certification and compliance, enabling you to get the job done with unparalleled accuracy and efficiency. We can help you to:
i) Verify alloys and other metals,
ii) Enhance material traceability, or
iii) Confirm the integrity of your equipment.
Our XRF Alloy Analysis services applies equally well in the fabrication process, where Quality Assurance requires alloy verification. Many of our clients, for example, must fully comply with ISO 9001 certification, which requires 100% alloy verification. Such applications particularly apply to parts designed for use in petrochemical industries, or other areas where high temperatures and pressure occur. Our services can help you to verify alloys early, preventing high costs associated with the possibility of metal mix-ups. Reduce scrap and improve your product quality with positive material identification. This test service is available on site or within our lab.
Hardness Test - Rockwell
The Rockwell test is more accurate than other types of hardness testing methods. The Rockwell test method is used on all metals, except in condition where the test metal structure or surface conditions would introduce too much variations; where the indentations would be too large for the application; or where the sample size or sample shape prohibits its use. The Rockwell method measures the permanent depth of indentation produced by a force/load on an indenter. First, a preliminary test force is applied to a sample using a diamond or ball indenter. This preload breaks through the surface to reduce the effects of surface finish. After holding the preliminary test force for a specified dwell time, the baseline depth of indentation is measured. After the preload, an additional load is added to reach the total required test load. This force is held for a predetermined amount of time to allow for elastic recovery. This major load is then released, returning to the preliminary load. After holding the preliminary test force for a specified time, the final depth of indentation is measured. The Rockwell hardness value is derived from the difference in the baseline and final depth measurements. This distance is converted to a hardness number. Our Rockwell Hardness Testing Services can be used to:
i) carry out quality control for metal heat treatment,
ii) incoming material inspection,
iii) weld evaluations in steel and other alloys,
iv) grade verifications for hard plastics, and
v) failure analysis.
Micro Hardness Test - Vickers
Micro/Vickers Hardness Testing is a method of determining a material’s hardness or resistance to penetration when test samples are very small or thin, or when small regions in a composite sample or plating are to be measured. The Micro/Vickers Hardness Test can measure surface to core hardness on carburized or case-hardened parts (case depths), as well as surface conditions such as grinding burns, carburization or decarburization. This test is commonly used to:
i) evaluate cold work,
ii) determine weld quality, or
iii) determine mechanical properties of small parts.
Micro/Vickers Hardness Testing provides valuable information for the following purposes:
i) Certify conformance to hardness requirements for carburizing, nitriding, plasma nitriding, induction,
flame and many other surface hardening processes,
ii) Measure the effective case depth in case hardening heat treatments,
iii) Measure surface or core hardness of carburized parts, as well as surface conditions such as grinding
burns or decarburization,
iv) Provide precise and detailed information on surface features of materials that have a fine microstructure,
are multi-phase, non-homogeneous or prone to cracking, or
v) Determine hardness of different micro-constituents within a structure, or measure steep hardness
gradients such as those encountered in casehardening.
Torsion tests twist a material or test component to a specified degree, with a specified force, or until the material fails in torsion. The twisting force of a torsion test is applied to the test sample by anchoring one end so that it cannot move or rotate and applying a moment to the other end so that the sample is rotated about its axis. The forces and mechanics found in this test are similar to those found in a piece of string that has one end held in a hand and the other end twisted by the other. The purpose of a torsion test is to determine the behavior a material or test sample when twisted or under torsional forces as a result of applied moments that cause shear stress about the axis. Measurable values include ultimate torsional strength and these values are not the same as those measured by a tensile test and are important in manufacturing as they may be used to simulate the service conditions, check the product’s quality and design, and ensure that it was manufactured correctly. The two common forms that torsion testing take include failure and operational. A torsion test for failure requires that the test sample be twisted until it breaks and is designed to measure the strength of the sample. And finally, operational testing measures the material’s performance under the expected service conditions of its application. Many materials experience torques or torsional forces in their applications and so will benefit from or require torsion testing. Materials used in structural, biomedical and automotive applications are among the more common materials to experience torsion in their applications. These materials may be composed of metals, plastics, woods, polymers, composites, or ceramics among others and commonly take the forms of fasteners, rods, beams, tubes and wires.
Machine Drill Test
The test service pertains to speed and penetration test of self-drilling screws. The test specimens are mounted onto a vertical drill under a constant load, and testing commence under a constant rpm into required substrates.
Relevant test standards for Screw Drill Test includes: i) SAE J78, ii) JIS B1125 or iii) DIN 7504.
Salt Spray Test
Both metallic and non-metallic materials can suffer from degradation as a result of salt corrosion. In the case of metallic materials, the mechanism is electrochemical, whereas non-metallic materials can degrade due to chemical reactions with the salt itself. The correct choice of material and the use of protective coatings is essential for extreme environments. Accelerated Corrosion testing can be used to check conformal coatings on circuit boards, protective coatings of materials and surface finishes as well as material compatibilities. Through salt spray testing we are able to provide conditions which considerably accelerate the corrosion process. This means that results can be achieved in a short period of time. Our facilities enable provision of steady state exposure and can combine salt spray periods with storage under damp heat conditions.
Coating Thickness Test
Coating is the most critical component in an anticorrosive coating system. The main function of coating is to provide corrosion protection by adhesion to the substrate. It is critical that the applied thickness be sufficient to ensure corrosion protection as well as proper adhesion.
The maximum coating thickness recommended by a manufacturer is often based on a coating's resistance to sagging (sink). Dry film thickness (DFT) is a parameter that is considered during quality control or inspection processes. Durability of a coating is function of DFT, whereas the thickness of an individual coating layer in a coating system and the total system DFT reported specifies the coating's durability.
Dry film thickness (DFT) is the thickness of a coating as measured above the substrate. This can consist of a single layer or multiple layers. DFT is measured for cured coatings (after the coating dries). Thickness of a coating depends on the application and type of process employed. Proper thickness should be determined by recommended coating system parameters.
ILTS has the capability to carry out DFT tests using Eddy Current Equipment or manually cross section for precise measurement under high intensity microscope. Relevant test standards for DFT measurements includes
i) ISO 2808, ii) BS 3900 Part C5, iii) BS 5494, iv) ASTM D1005, v) ASTM D1400 and vi) ASTM D2691.
Load Test
Load testing is a destructive test process that provides information about the tensile strength, yield strength, and ductility of the metallic material. It measures the force required to break a specimen and the extent to which the specimen stretches or elongates to that breaking point.
Contract Testing Services
We provide long term contract testing services and very attractive rates. Leave your quality testing or supplier assessment to our team of engineers.
Site Testing
Some of our equipment are mobile and we can carry out site testing or assessment:
i) Pull out inspection for concrete fasteners
ii) Coating Thickness
iii) PMI (Positive Material Indentification)
Speak to our friendly team to find out what services we can provide on site.