Profile Projector

A profile projector is a measuring machine that performs measurement, inspection and obervation efficiently by projecting an image of a test work piece on the machine onto a viewing screen under accurate magnification. The inherently non-contact measurement method of profile projectors makes this type of instrument highly suitable for measuring small parts that are unmeasurable with general purpose contact instruments or easily deformed plastic parts. It can also be used to observe the surface profiles of workpieces or inspect minute assemblies with surface illumination.
XRF Alloy Analyser

XRF Alloy Analyser's applications range from construction to medical equipment and the importance of reliability and safety has never been greater. Ever-evolving quality control standards, public awareness, and regulatory requirements make alloy analysis or positive material identification a necessity rather than a choice. Our XRF Alloy Analyser is a non-destructive testing equipment for every metal component. For most industries, an alloy analyzer is particularly important in order to avoid events such as premature corrosion, blackouts, and even explosions, all of which have been traced to the use of wrong metals.
Rockwell Hardness Tester

The Rockwell Hardness Tester measures hardness of a material by creating an indentation. The resistance
to indentation tells us how hard the material is. This is done by measuring the depth of the indentation. The Rockwell Hardness test method as defined in ASTM E18 and ISO 6508 are the most commonly used test method.
Micro (Vickers) Hardness Test

Mirco Hardness Tester/Vickers Hardness Tester is a key piece of equipment that is indispensable to metallographic research, product quality control, and the development of product certification materials. Vickers/Microhardness test procedure as per ASTM E384, EN ISO 6507, and ASTM E92 standard specifies making indentation with a range
of loads using a diamond indenter which is then measured and converted to a hardness value. For this purpose as long as test samples are carefully and properly prepared, the Vickers/Microhardness method is considered to be very useful for testing on a wide type of materials, including metals, composites, ceramics, or applications such as testing foils, measuring surface of a part, testing individual microstructures, or measuring the depth of case hardening by sectioning a part and making a series of indentations.
Torsion Tester

Torsion tests twist a material or test component to a specified degree, with a specified force, or until the material fails in torsion. The twisting force of a torsion test is applied to the test sample by anchoring one end so that it cannot move or rotate and applying a moment to the other end so that the sample is rotated about its axis. The forces and mechanics found in this test are similar to those found in a piece of string that has one end held in a hand and the other end twisted by the other. The purpose of a torsion test is to determine the behavior a material or test sample when twisted or under torsional forces as a result of applied moments that cause shear stress about the axis. Measurable values include ultimate torsional strength and these values are not the same as those measured by a tensile test and are important in manufacturing as they may be used to simulate the service conditions, check the product’s quality and design, and ensure that it was manufactured correctly. The two common forms that torsion testing include failure and operational. A torsion test for failure requires that the test sample be twisted until it breaks and is designed to measure the strength of the sample. And finally, operational testing measures the material’s performance under the expected service conditions of its application. Many materials experience torques or torsional forces in their applications and so will benefit from or require torsion testing. Materials used in structural, biomedical and automotive applications are among the more common materials to experience torsion in their applications. These materials may be composed of metals, plastics, woods, polymers, composites, or ceramics among others and commonly take the forms of fasteners, rods, beams, tubes and wires.
Drilling Machine

This equipment carries out drill penetration test of screws into various substrates. Vertical load and speed of rotation are adjustable dependant on test requirements. The substrate is secured to a jig and penetration time is measured. This equipment gives an insight to actual performance with controlled parameters aside from results derived from correlated tests.
Salt Spray Chamber

Both metallic and non-metallic materials can suffer from degradation as a result of salt corrosion. In the case of metallic materials, the mechanism is electrochemical, whereas non-metallic materials can degrade due to chemical reactions with the salt itself. The correct choice of material and the use of protective coatings is essential for extreme environments. Accelerated Corrosion testing can be used to check conformal coatings on circuit boards, protective coatings of materials and surface finishes as well as material compatibilities. Through salt spray testing we are able to provide conditions which considerably accelerate the corrosion process. This means that results can be achieved in a short period of time. Our facilities enable provision of steady state exposure and can combine salt spray periods with storage under damp heat conditions.
Coating Thickness Gauge

Using phase-sensitive measurement techniques, our coating thickness gauge is also suitable for coating thickness measurement on rough surfaces or for nickel layers on steel.
Our coating thickness gauge is the ideal solution for all industries, where the coating thicknesses of paint on aluminum or galvanized steel must be measured. The device measures both layers precisely in a single operation, thereby saving both time and money. Coating thickness gauge is especially well-suited for the electroplating or circuit board industry, for checking electrically conductive layers on various substrates.
Precise coating thickness measurement of nickel, zinc or copper on steel, even with rough surfaces, by means of phase-sensitive measurement techniques
Measurement of paint on galvanized steel in a single procedure
Robust handheld measurement device for testing directly onsite
Nickel on steel, copper on iron or on bronze
Non-ferrous metals on non-conductive substrates, e.g. copper on circuit boards
Two-layer applications such as paint on aluminum or galvanized steel
Thermally sprayed aluminum (TSA) on steel
With special probes for inter-layer connection holes in circuit boards
Coatings in the micrometer range on non-ferrous metals, iron or steel
Multi-layer systems consisting of single layers in the micrometer range
Tensile Machine

Our Electromechanical Universal Tensile Test machines can performing static tension and/or compression applications which require higher forces, higher speeds or increased test space. Load capacities of Max. 50kN (5,000 kgf). These dual column test machines perform the full gamut of mechanical including Tensile, Compressive, Bend, Flexural, Fracture and Shear test. Each system is configured to your application needs.
Capable of tension, compression, bend, flexure and shear test
Adjustable Test Space
Speed of 0.006-600mm/min
Load accuracy +/- 1% of indicated load
500 hz data acquisition rate
Automatic transducer recognition
Digital position encoder with sub-micron resolution
Constant speed, constant load rate, position and load control